Strategic Business Plan incorporating water distribution and administration of sewage services have been prepared for TRNC Municipalities by D.K.Deniz & Co.
As one of the leading accounting firms in North Cyprus , D.K.Deniz & Co. Chartered Accountants have prepared a Strategic Business Plan for the administration and distribution of water and management of sewage services by a corprate body to established by municipalities.Strategic Business Plan which has been one of the few financial plans prepared in North Cyprus , incorporates the water distribution and sewage services of all municipalities which can be seen as the pathway to the goal. The Strategic Business Plan took into consideration the strong and weak sides of the present water distribution and sewage services managed by the municipalities through SWOT Analysis and put down sugestions as to what need to be done for beter services.
During the preparation of this strategic plan the time period of investments and the sources required to finance these investments were considered.
The success of what has been put in the Strategic Business Plan depends on the establishment of a professional structure which will manage the distribution of water and sewage services.Based on this necessity , municipalities agreed to set up a limited liability company under the name BESKİ Ltd. It has been planned to mange the water distribution and sewage services within the districts served by the municipalities through the operations of this company which will be managed by professional staff and experts.